The club was initially devoted to the comics of the 1930s and 1940s, but its field of interest gradually extended to contemporary comics as well.
It's rare to read a contemporary comic that is unconcerned with redefining the form and instead concentrates so nakedly on having a good time.
In 2005 Diller was featured as one of many contemporary comics in The Aristocrats.
Many contemporary comics have elements of fantasy and are produced by companies that are part of the entertainment industry.
In contrast to earlier and contemporary comics, it was aimed primarily at working class readers under the age of 14, and contained mostly fictional stories.
He made fairytales, historic series, westerns, but also science fiction and many contemporary comics.
All three were based on the 1950s strip rather than the contemporary comics.
Sensitivities being what they are, no contemporary comic would dare do now what Bruce did then.
The inimitable ancestor of contemporary alternative comics: the perennial love quadrilateral between a cat, a mouse, a dog and a brick.
This was one of early manga's first plunges into very dark subject matter, which would become near common place in contemporary comics.