Both the women are naked, aside from two light vests; the two men, who are talking, are dressed in contemporary costumes.
Beneath this lies the most splendid embalmed St Justin in his contemporary costume with fine wire work and embroidery.
They orchestrated the creation of "new dramas" with antifeudal and anti-imperialist themes, featuring actors in contemporary costumes.
The 36-year-old actor has grown a beard for the occasion and will wear a contemporary costume - as will the rest of the cast.
Carroll fished in the pockets of his contemporary costume.
The cross is not unlike other works of Insular art where the artist has represented people in contemporary costume.
The spectators might become deeply involved in the action on stage because of the contemporary costumes which made scenes look like real life.
It so easily lends itself to contemporary costume and modern settings.
Other women wore the familiar neck ribbons and stiff tutus, but they also appeared in contemporary costumes with male partners in gray.
On many examples the figure of Bismarck was shown in a medieval-looking armour instead of the usual contemporary costume.