Anarcho-capitalism (or free-market anarchism)"This volume honors the foremost contemporary exponent of market anarchism.
The principal contemporary exponent of this theory was Jean Bodin, whose Les Six Livres de la République also appeared in the 1570s.
Errata from Melbourne, Australia are often cited as the most contemporary exponents of the emergent genre, having outlined its precepts in an interview with Music Vice in October, 2010.
One central Schubert description was left by Johann Michael Vogl, the most eminent contemporary exponent of Schubert's songs.
If the most common contemporary exponents have been Islamic militants, it has not always been so.
No, rather the contemporary and brilliant exponent of a ritual that exemplifies the links among all living things, or as the program note says, "how all natural things are connected and grow and change."
There are contemporary exponents of the art outside this region, such as the Pakistani calligrapher Rasheed Butt and the American calligrapher Mohamed Zakariya.
Peter Hacker is one of the most powerful contemporary exponents of the linguistic-therapeutic approach to philosophy pioneered by Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Performing in it will be some of the most heralded contemporary exponents of various facets of swing dancing, from the Lindy Hop to hip-hop.