Unfortunately, some recent attempts to create refined dances in a contemporary idiom have not been consistently convincing.
She is one of the most gifted and developed Bulgarian choreographers working in contemporary idiom.
The difference is that he dares to use an 18th-century dance vocabulary rather than a contemporary idiom.
Like all the arts, classical music can be revivified only through new works that spring from current concerns, expressed in contemporary idioms.
I used to when I first came here but it isn't, in the contemporary idiom, exactly my scene.
Music which, at its best, performs a synthesis of the folk music's national accent and a contemporary musical idiom.
First, there was the perception that short skirts were uncluttered, easy to move around in and a completely contemporary idiom.
A decade later, the group issued a manifesto to the effect that their mission was to unite artists "working in contemporary idioms."
But you'll be speaking contemporary idiom perfectly in a week; it's really just added vocabulary.
Another has led composers to write new operas in a contemporary musical idiom.