Jon Hendricks popularized it in the 1950's and 60's; Kurt Elling embodies its contemporary incarnation.
There are many contemporary incarnations of the Dead, with the most prominent touring acts being Furthur and Phil Lesh & Friends.
Paul Haslinger subsequently wrote an electronic contemporary incarnation of The Wolfman score, which the studio quickly realised was not appropriate for the late 19th century Gothic setting.
Indeed, he seems a contemporary incarnation of a recurring figure in the American experience, one who comes with encouraging news: You can make a difference, you have the capacity to change.
And the focus is on the first 50 years, with only a small Guy Wiggins cityscape, painted in 1962 (the year of his death), to hint that the club has a contemporary incarnation.
Changes saw three distinct periods with rotating band members before their contemporary incarnation, heavily associated with the neofolk genre.
Analytical sociology can be seen as contemporary incarnation of Robert K. Merton's well-known notion of middle-range theory.
But they are a peculiarly contemporary incarnation of the people who preceded them.
Schoolyard rhymes and the literary figure Mother Goose are somewhat contemporary incarnations of this style of writing.