This contemporary perception of the myth, mainly developed by Bultmann, has encouraged scientists such as archaeologists to examine the areas indicated by the biblical tales.
Historians have drawn upon contemporary perceptions to explore the suggestion that Henry was homosexual.
Nicolaus Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik) developed new astronomical theories, bringing about a revolutionary change in the contemporary perception of the universe.
The many polemics which surrounded Tzara in his lifetime left traces after his death, and determine contemporary perceptions of his work.
She is working on her first album containing 10 works of Komitas Vardapet with contemporary perception, of which 6 are recorded as of now.
The elephant itself was described negatively by Victor Hugo in Les Misérables; little other account of contemporary public perception is available.
Birch has been grouped within broader trends of figurative and conceptual art that focus on contemporary perceptions of the body and sexuality.
As a result, though much of the vanishing shanty repertoire was preserved in skeletal form, aspects of the genre were re-envisioned according to contemporary perceptions.
Judith Crist said that it had "flashes of original wit and contemporary perceptions."
At "A-Z West" she continued an investigation into contemporary perceptions of freedom and personal liberation.