In the suttas it is said to be implemented in other contemporary religions in India at the time of Buddha.
While exposing the weaknesses of the other contemporary Indian religions, he praises the Buddha's Teaching, the Dhamma, as the most perfect religion.
Hegel, while being critical of contemporary dogmatic religion, retained an intellectual interest in the ontological and epistemological beliefs of Christianity.
The religious community criticized Lippmann's rejection of traditional values and dismissal of contemporary religion.
The most notable source of opposition from other contemporary religions was the common practice of exchanging wives between members of the Dönmeh.
The following form was used by Gerald Gardner, usually considered as the founder of Wicca as an organized, contemporary religion.
The three contemporary religions, though seemingly unrelated, each stems from a different perspective on the Godswar, which ended in the victory of three brothers.
Psychology of religion: Classic and contemporary (2nd ed.)
This conception of the relation of history to spiritual experience is exactly that of the contemporary religions of the Greco-Roman world.
As is the case with many other contemporary Mesoamerican religions, it results from centuries of symbiosis with Roman Catholicism.