From these two sources mainly the work of contemporary sociologists derives.
His work, however, has influenced and been engaged by numerous contemporary sociologists, including Anthony Giddens, Jürgen Habermas and Pierre Bourdieu.
A not uncommon view among contemporary sociologists is that there are no great unifying 'laws of history', but rather smaller, more specific, and more complex laws that govern society.
Although contemporary academic sociologists defined her engagement as "social work," Addams' efforts differed significantly from activities typically labeled as "social work" during that time period.
He has served at so many universities that he has "probably taught more students on more campuses around the world than any other contemporary sociologist".
Walter W. Powell (also known as Woody Powell), born 1951, is a contemporary American sociologist.
This work has also been significant in shaping the thinking of contemporary sociologists of the family (Harris, 1983, pp. 127-30).
Among its first professors was notable contemporary German sociologist Niklas Luhmann.
Marx's definition has influenced contemporary sociologists, who are concerned with many of the marginalized elements of society characterized by Marx under this label.
Göran Therborn (23 September 1941, Kalmar, Sweden) is a professor of sociology at Cambridge University and is amongst the most highly cited contemporary Marxian-influenced sociologists.