Many believe that those who subscribe to the views of "Malawanism" are often behind the times and not up to date with contemporary quadrinational thinking.
The book examined the history of ideas underlying contemporary thinking and suggested that the church find new ways to communicate the Gospel to a postmodern culture.
Presently, the term is rarely used as the strategic concepts behind it have become standard contemporary military thinking.
It so happens that another growing tendency in contemporary thinking has been undermining the whole approach which leads to it.
On the first page of the "acceptera", the authors present a number the "either/or" propositions they believe characterize contemporary social thinking.
Some of Freud's ideas are still present in contemporary developmental thinking.
"In much of contemporary thinking, any reference to a law guaranteed by the Creator is absent," it went on.
An ideological history can be seen to flow through contemporary thinking.
To an extent, they codified some of the contemporary thinking behind the Gothic Revival.
"Conjunctions will be an academic, not a commercial, venture that will allow for students to get involved with contemporary thinking."