Along with this power went a contemptuous attitude towards the natives as a 'lower race'.
Hayward's superior, contemptuous attitude was naturally resented by all of us who had taken no part in the mutiny.
This leads, however, to a contemptuous attitude towards human beings.
But increasing numbers of Americans are objecting to the administration's contemptuous attitude toward liberty and the law.
Perhaps also they noticed her contemptuous attitude.
In this detention centre, contemptuous and inhuman attitudes have hardened into set rules.
The resulting contemptuous attitude was reflected in its exploitation of the Harry Wu case.
Ronald Reagan's contemptuous attitude toward international law hardly needs to be described.
We had often condemned the haughty and even contemptuous attitude of the federalists, who demanded that the countries in the East relinquish their sovereignty.
The former chief of staff rarely visited Capitol Hill and often exhibited a contemptuous attitude toward the legislative branch.