Riding southward, Spark wore a contemptuous grin as he looked about the lighted car and surveyed the few passengers.
With a contemptuous grin, the sallow man looked about the room, eyeing antiques and curios that filled it.
The giant's face twisted in a contemptuous grin.
Their lips showed contemptuous grins as they stood away and held the victims covered.
Already the truth was learing at him with a contemptuous grin.
The triangular scar on his dark cheek twisted his contemptuous grin even more.
When it healed, I found myself endowed with this semblance of a contemptuous grin.
For their part they stared back, the face of the older one wearing a contemptuous grin.
Monte's contemptuous grin began to fade as the glossy-haired man stared from the window.
With a final contemptuous grin at his accomplice, Brazee stalked out of the office.