Aeneas indicated the newspapers on the floor with a contemptuous wave.
The Examiner cut him off with a contemptuous wave.
Simons dismissed the idea with a contemptuous 65 wave of her hand.
He glanced toward the assembled bishops back at the front lines, and dismissed their presence with a contemptuous wave of his hand.
I tried to answer him; but my voice failed me, and I had to content myself with a contemptuous wave of the hand.
"Oh, this is nothing," replied Quince, with a contemptuous wave of his hand.
Too distant for his face to be recognized, he gave a contemptuous wave back toward the Yukon.
To his delight, she dismissed them all with a contemptuous wave of the hand.
He dismissed them with a contemptuous and exaggerated wave of his hand.
He made a contemptuous wave at the money on the coffee table.