Certain other pieces of Bhutanese legislation provide for content-based restrictions on speech.
In addition, depictions of tobacco use in motion media other than for health promotion constitute a petty misdemeanor; as such, the Act also provides for a content-based restriction on speech.
The danger of content-based statutory restrictions upon speech is that they may be designed and used precisely to suppress the ideas in question rather than to achieve any other proper governmental aim.
We agree with the plaintiffs that public libraries' content-based restrictions on their patrons' Internet access are subject to strict scrutiny.
If the federal courts and, eventually, the Supreme Court allows this prosecution and/or conviction, it would be the first content-based restriction on speech upheld in over a generation of case law.
"In an effort to improve children's television, this legislation imposes content-based restrictions on programming," he said.
The District Court held that Section 505 was a content-based restriction on speech that was subject to strict scrutiny.
Apple imposes a wide variety of purely content-based restrictions.
And, of course, the content-based restrictions raise free speech concerns that go beyond generativity.
"The city must not make content-based restrictions on a public forum," the judge said.