The impending endorsement grew out of a contentious exchange that focused on minority issues during a debate Sunday.
The off-screen moments were fraught with stress for the cast and crew observing the contentious exchanges.
In the following weeks, there were contentious exchanges between the two men, polarising eventually into their two views of history, Acton's normative approach versus Creighton's more relativist one.
The confusing and contentious exchange came as more than 200 constitutional scholars said the accusations against Mr. Clinton did not warrant impeachment.
During a contentious exchange, the judge signaled that he knew prosecutors were compiling the Duck Files.
In a contentious exchange, committee members accused Mr. McDonnell of participating in a conspiracy with the Government to bail out his company, the nation's largest military contractor.
At Moscow press conferences he is invariably polite and direct in his answers to questions, never engaging in contentious exchanges with Western reporters.
Questions about that problem, in fact, led to contentious exchanges yesterday between members of the 9/11 commission and the former leaders of the city's police, fire and emergency management departments.
The group came up with the outlines of the legislation after marathon meetings that often pitted Mr. Kyl against Mr. Kennedy in contentious exchanges.
Which is why Jeremy was forced to speak up, twenty minutes into a contentious exchange between Mrs. Duran's attending oncologist and the treating radiotherapist.