The $1.4 billion stadium, which requires a $600 million public investment, is the single most contentious item in the city's plans for the West Side.
Buried in these figures is one of the most contentious items in all of payland: the "tax gross-up."
In one sense, the ratification of the seven-year-old treaty is the least contentious item on the arms control agenda.
Early this morning, legislative leaders were still trying to renegotiate taxes affecting casinos and billboard companies, two of the most contentious items in the package.
Foreign participation in Japanese public works projects is one of the most contentious items on the list of Japanese-American trade disputes.
Frequently, at pre-committee 'agenda meetings' the chief officer goes through recommendations pointing out difficulties and likely contentious items.
The unfinished business includes two of the most contentious items, Congressional term limits and tax cuts estimated to cost the Treasury nearly $200 billion over five years.
But then, heated disputes were to be expected as the negotiations came down to the most contentious items, he remarked.
But emissions trading emerged as one of the most contentious items here, almost torpedoing the talks.
I want to address the two contentious items in the budgets today.