But they did not offer an agreement to allow an up-or-down vote on the proposal, saying the 60-vote threshold had been the standard on contentious votes on the war so far this year.
The September 20, 2012 approval of FDI was challenged by opposition parties and narrowly passed in a contentious parliamentary vote in early December.
The most contentious vote of Norris' first term in the Assembly came on March 12, 1957 in order to adopt a motion to create the 1957 Alberta liquor plebiscite.
A second, less contentious vote was held which Guarnieri won by a much wider margin.
To the Editor: Now that the contentious vote on the North American Free Trade Agreement is complete, it is time to assess the intentions of its proponents.
In the current Australian party system, this ensures that virtually all contentious votes are along party lines, and the Government always has a majority in those votes.
But Estonians insisted that the timing was not intended to embarrass the Soviet leader or to sneak in a contentious vote in his absence.
Mr. Markey agreed to remove the controversial language from the bill to avoid close or contentious votes on the legislation by the full Energy and Commerce Committee.
The threat of a fresh, time-consuming muddle was hinted at by some Senate staffers, pointing to a complex series of contentious votes and debates, some behind closed doors, to come next week.
In another contentious vote tonight, the House narrowly approved a plan to buy nine B-2 radar-evading bombers that the military says it does not want and cannot afford.