The contest organizers are knocked out when I show up, but I'm funny and I win them over.
While the contest organizers were discussing whether to put it on, Mark Foo looked at the conditions and said "Eddie would go."
But she was later disqualified after contest organizers learned about her surgery.
(There are over 108,553 acceptable words with up to eight characters - just for starters, according to the contest organizers.)
She beat most of them, and won a bottle of wine that contest organizers quickly substituted with a gift certificate to a toy store.
To help entrants quit, contest organizers gave them and their supporters pamphlets with advice and lists of local quit-smoking programs.
To obtain a copy free of charge, call the contest organizers at (908) 776-4752.
None of the scripts, up to this point, will have been read by Mr. Affleck or any of the contest organizers, largely for legal reasons.
The next cut, to 10 semifinalists on Feb. 1, will be made by the contest organizers.
No ads supporting the president's policies were sent in, contest organizers noted.