("Crippled" in this context does not imply any lack of modern functionality, just a lack of compatibility with past lenses.)
The context of the discussion implies, as is often implied, that achievement-based decisions are good, while those based on ascribed characteristics are bad.
An emergent context implies that a project has to deal with emergent factors that affect relevant conditions but are not predictable.
The context implied that it was the name of the race of the committee ... I really must have had him under pressure, to have gotten such information.
The greeting names Jesus as "Lord", but the context of "God our Father" implies his sonship.
Although the context of Mr. Goodman's suggestion implies some comic impulse, I don't find it funny.
Neither mention is clear as to which side Catigern served on, but context implies he was fighting alongside his brother against the Saxons.
The context may imply beasts of burden.
Gaiman's interpretation suggests that Anne deliberately became pregnant in order to force her husband to marry her, but the context implies that neither of them ultimately regret their decision.
There the context implied that it was a small, hardy breed of pony suitable for use in cold, mountainous areas, generally to the North near The Wall.