The United States Air Force Academy has a contiguous 18,000 acres (73 km2) at its disposal, but it is not a university.
Daniel Zaweski, the power authority's wind-turbine project manager, said that building the proposed 40-turbine project on land would require about 1,600 open, contiguous acres of land.
With the new additions, the cluster of parkland will grow to 625 contiguous acres.
By purchase and condemnation, the county has assembled a total of almost 1,300 contiguous acres.
The farm must be at least 10 contiguous acres and must include the primary residence of the owner.
On the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, where climate warming has been especially dramatic, nearly four million contiguous acres of white spruce trees have been killed by spruce bark beetles.
Mr. Wolkoff has set 15 contiguous acres aside for the company's future needs.
"So, the rest of us, with that beginning, banded together to buy about eight hundred additional contiguous acres here, here and here."
Under the deal, the mortgage partnership owned 33 acres zoned for the construction of condominiums, and the land fund owned a contiguous 22 acres zoned for a hotel.
"We want to focus the growth while still trying to preserve as many contiguous acres of farmland to allow the farmers to continue farming."