The continent of Tamriel, setting of the Elder Scrolls games, exists in the fantasy world of Nirn.
The two of them find a way to travel back to the past, when the continents still existed.
Did that continent exist in this age, and if so, who held it?
Later, satellite images showed that the continent did not exist, and could not be found.
On this second voyage Cook crossed three times into the Antarctic Circle to determine whether the fabled great southern continent existed.
If the public has only a vague awareness of Antarctica now, in the fifties the continent existed only in the realm of fantasy.
My great-grandfather believed, from studying Mayan tablets, that a larger continent once existed in the middle of the Pacific.
He suggested that such a continent might have existed because he could see no other possible explanation for the modern distribution of lemurs.
In so doing, they are overlooking the fact that our continent cannot exist without Christianity.
Alexander Dalrymple and others of the Royal Society still believed that this massive southern continent should exist.