The planet is mostly covered by ocean, with a single continent inhabited by humanoids, the Nidorians, who have an agrarian culture somewhat like late medieval or early Renaissance Europe.
The central parts of South America and Africa will be the continents chiefly inhabited.
The other two main continents are Sarlona (a continent ruled by quori, creatures from the Region of Dreams) and Argonnessen (a continent inhabited by dragons).
It's a hard, huge continent inhabited by a few European descendants with a sense of distance from their roots.
So there are two unexplored continents - about a third of the land mass of this planet if the maps are to be believed - inhabited by people about whom we know nothing.
They are a race of soletaken who first came from the First Empire to the continent currently inhabited by the people of Lether.
We relish the idea of traveling to the ends of the earth to find an island as vast as a continent, inhabited by exotic animals - what child is not mesmerized by the kangaroo?
The Antarctic peninsula is one of the few regions of the continent inhabited by animals, even in summer.
The planet has a single continent, inhabited by humans with a Polynesian culture.
That population explosion has arisen despite Africa's being the continent inhabited by humans much longer than any other, so that one might naively have expected Africa's population to have leveled off long ago.