There was complacency on the part of Portland railroad interests, and the Bangor lumber interests oppose the continental economic integration envisaged by the treaty.
The reference to "African Integration" speaks to the Minister's role in the African Union and its long professed Pan-African project on continental integration.
Even Europe, after a decade of rhetoric about continental integration, is now finding new respect for local culture and national identity.
The American obsession with the Middle East undermined whatever basis there was for a sustained continental integration.
US airlines not involved in partnerships complain Europe does not allow reciprocal investments in flag carriers, and argue that protectionism will worsen with continental integration.
It is in Mexico's northern border states, close to the U.S., that free-market development and continental integration have proceeded furthest.
In a nutshell, it provides a coherent view of Eurasian continental integration.
But above all, the von Wogau report highlights the fact that the euro is a leap forward, a big bang, in this process of continental political integration which began 40 years ago.
Alfonso showed a greater degree of continental integration than his predecessors.
Most South American countries use free market policies, and it is taking an active path toward greater continental integration.