Most tax-appeal specialists operate on a contingency-fee basis, taking a cut of the saving generated by the appeal.
Like other consultants who perform similar services, Mr. Strauss works on a contingency-fee basis; that is, clients pay him only if he is able to get them some money.
I hope legislators will have the foresight to put a cap on the judgments allowed and will not permit lawyers to file these suits on a contingency-fee basis.
That Cravath would handle a case on a contingency-fee basis, an arrangement better known in the personal injury bar, surprised many corporate lawyers.
The creditor assigns accounts directly to such an agency on a contingency-fee basis, which usually initially costs nothing to the creditor or merchant, except for the cost of communications.
Employees with sexual harassment grievances may pursue private lawsuits if they can afford them or find an attorney willing to handle their cases on a contingency-fee basis.
In every case, the suits are being managed by private lawyers working on a contingency-fee basis, thus minimizing the upfront costs to the states.
Negligence lawyers normally work on a contingency-fee basis, typically taking a quarter or a third of the award if they win, but no fee if they lose.
Ms. Kaluzny said she was trying to retain a private lawyer on a contingency-fee basis.
"I have the wherewithal to sustain a long litigation against a deep pocket," even though he works on a contingency-fee basis, he said.