Even though there have been continual, extraordinary advances in technology and even more demand for top-quality sound, sound design is still struggling to obtain acceptance.
Atomic physics, according to Brunton, has, despite its continual advances, failed to prove that the world has "derived from a mysterious No-thing."
Her continual sexual advances force Homer to put his foot down and fire Julia, who leaves implying she will get back at Homer.
She must survive Clemente's continual advances while remaining wanted by the authorities.
The demands placed on the command, control, communications and intelligence capabilities that are required to integrate air, land and naval forces are enormous today and, with the continual advances in information technology, are growing nearly exponentially.
Public libraries have been a crucial and strong part of our society's building up and continual advance and really a mainstay for the uneducated and impoverished to self-educate themselves historically.
Leena is the target of Harry Champ's continual advances.
"The continual technical advances fascinate me," she said.
There will be continual advances, he said, but investors should be wary of them.
We cannot remain static; instead, we need continual advances.