Apparently, taming the hostile airport is a continual challenge for travelers.
"It's going to be something that's a continual challenge to the banks, to repair and re-cultivate these relationships," he said.
For Wendy, the training course provided practical means to meet the continual challenge of anticipating and meeting her customers' needs.
His "Seascapes," whether taken by day or by night, are a continual challenge to this predisposition.
The Great One, as I call him, helps keep my professional life a continual challenge to make things better and get things right.
Making ends meet on her retiree income is a continual challenge.
Following this definition the establishment of free will is a continual challenge with a changing degree of difficulty.
Collecting isn't something that's static; it's the accumulation of knowledge that makes it a continual challenge.
For biologists, explaining how these birds manage to make their living so successfully by deceiving other species is a continual challenge.
How to improve activity-based management is a continual challenge.