This advantage of genetic novelty causes continual evolution of viral strains, with new versions common each year.
At first the piece appears to be classical, but is redefined through its continual evolution.
But a rare, novel strain of the flu virus is able to spread quickly to almost any individual, causing continual evolution of viral strains.
We have had a continual evolution but in a managed growth way.
The history of AEA Technology has been one of continual evolution and development.
Cope's beliefs became one with an increased emphasis on continual and utilitarian evolution with less involvement of a Creator.
To Wright, Taliesin was perfected with each change, yet subject to continual evolution.
One of the principal themes of the book is the continual evolution of humans, especially since their migration out of Africa around 50,000 years ago.
And, while the specific birds and animals did not change much throughout their use, the design of the squares underwent an almost continual evolution.
He was in continual evolution - so much so, in fact, that he disconcerted and sometimes antagonized those who had most admired him.