The conditions were atrocious: continual rain and wind on wet and sticky mud.
This day we were blessed by a brisk and continual rain, lasting from about noon until after dark.
Maintenance had been impossible, and continual rain had caused years of corrosion.
There are limits to language, though, and twenty-five years of almost continual rain will exhaust almost anybody's vocabulary.
It did not show itself in continual rains, but in frequent storms.
The camp suffered from the mud produced by continual rain, which at one point created standing water five inches deep.
Seed could not be sown in autumn due to the continual rain that prevented access to the land.
The climate on these islands is not severe, but tree growth is limited by almost continual rain and wind.
It attempted to lure people in out of the proverbial continual rain in the Seattle area.
The continual rain not only delayed work but also posed construction problems particularly with the hydraulic shaft wells.