Only knowledge of that resemblance, the continual reminders of it from friends and enemies, can account for similarities of the one personality to the other.
For example, I have always felt that humans were the first into space because of the continual reminder that in our universe everything orbits something.
It was a continual reminder that he wasn't alone anymore, and he didn't really like that.
There are continual reminders that past prejudices in Northern Ireland do not become dated with the passage of time.
The blend serves as a continual and amusing reminder that the movie is essentially a comic book come to life.
An action becomes a habit through continual reminders and repetition.
Falstaff's bad debts to innkeepers and prostitutes are a continual reminder that he's failed to make money from his vocation.
Society needs continual reminders of this disease that threatens so many of us.
There have been continual reminders of the bat-throwing incident this off-season, he said, some in good humor.
The statue is a continual reminder of that deliverance, and this author rubbished Causidicus' claims.