The IPC is under continual revision, with new editions coming into force on 1st January each year.
In the end, they are right: any story of the art of any decade will be problematic and subject to continual revisions.
Indeed, expectations of earnings growth over the longer term have been undergoing continual upward revision by security analysts since early 1995.
He prescribed a "world brain," a collaborative, decentralized repository of knowledge that would be subject to continual revision.
It is a decision that may require continual revision.
One of the reasons for continual revisions to the screenplay were the constant advances in wartime technology that were occurring.
Over the last two weeks, his standard speech has been undergoing continual revisions, until now it barely resembles the original.
Almost every prominent cricketer has matured into their game and made it subject to continual revisions and it is this that makes them international class.
Plans can be tentative, fluid, subject to continual revision.
The Madrid Conference also set up a standing committee for continual revision of the code.