As in Mr. Abdoh's previous presentations, the audience is be treated to a dreamy, fragmented narrative marked by continual shifts in time and place.
The continual shifts in the tone of the script worked a treat, as every time it looked like things were being allowed to lighten, things once again took a turn for the worse.
James W. Carey asserts that readers "engage in a continual shift of roles or of dramatic focus", when they read through a newspaper.
"Moreover, as readers make their way through the paper, they engage in a continual shift of roles or of dramatic focus."
In the third movement, for example, there was no musical justification for the continual shifts between hymnal winds and Romantic strings.
The continual shifts in Michael Mazzola's subtle lighting suggest the passage of time.
However, in this transition zone, climatic changes caused continual shifts in the available resource base, discouraging most attempts at creating permanent settlements.
During the war, men and women worked a continual three shifts, producing hundreds of the combat boats, which were tested in Newark Bay, before commanders arrived to take them into battle.
For years, sociologists, psychologists and other experts have charted the continual shifts in sexual attitudes and practices.
Their first year together was a series of continual shifts and changes in their relationship, a kind of exciting love dance, unpredictable and ecstatic.