Not only do they give people constant access to their phones, they also provide continual updates to e-mail, calendars and other tools.
Presenters gave out continual updates of school, college and business closures as well as details of road and rail conditions.
After the 1903 design competition, pace of new construction at the academy slowed, but there were continual updates.
Currently, Sambhavna has a networked system of informed consent, registration, and follow-up with continual updates of clinical data.
And Chrome will be pinging Google for continual updates to that.
It will require continual updates and development with the endless availability of new data.
Several reviewers praised price and Halfbrick's commitment to continual updates to the game.
If the United States engages in military action the president must provide continual updates to Congress regarding the status of the war.
In addition to offering continual updates about parkour events around the globe, it provides detailed safety guidelines for beginning parkourists.
With continual updates starting in 1975, it eventually had to be renamed Sixteen Men and Eighteen Men.