NASA's Kepler satellite trails the Earth and continually observes a portion of the sky between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra.
It may be true, as Nicole Wakefield and others have suggested, that they are continually observing us, but we do not feel their presence in any way.
As he struggled to maintain his balance during the descent, David admired the lithe motion of Saavik as she appeared to navigate the terrain with little difficulty, even while continually observing the readings on her tricorder.
For example, we might identify each particle by continually observing their trajectories, or by placing a marking on each one, e.g., drawing a different number on each one as is done with lottery balls.
This rule required water suppliers to install the best available corrosion control mechanisms and to continually observe water levels, even if corrosion control was implemented.
Secchi was especially interested in the Sun, which he observed continually throughout his career.
Tall, smooth-domed, continually observing the world through thick-rimmed spectacles but never quite able to take it seriously in its entirety, he was one of the lab's original founders.
The honour of having the longest continually observed May Day in the British Commonwealth- since 1870- is claimed by the BC city of New Westminster.
"The private guilty considerations I would continually observe to peep forth in the man's talk like rabbits from a hill."
I never fail to feel astonished, when I receive one of your letters, at the number of new facts you are continually observing.