Should the temple bell be struck so continually that it has to shatter-make all its worshippers ill with terror until it is silenced?
Akan mythology claims that at one time the god interacted with man, but that after being continually struck by the pestle of an old woman pounding fufu, a traditional food, he moved into the sky.
The readings show that the planet is continually struck by speeding boulders that explode in blasts the size of atomic detonations, and that the rate of bombardment is higher than previously observed.
(I am continually struck by how much time I have to spend fixing the machines that supposedly improve my life.)
Already, the system has shown that the planet is being continually struck by large speeding rocks, and that the rate of bombardment is higher than previously thought.
And it is a mark of the quality of Judith Sollosy's translation that one is continually struck by the poetry of Esterhazy's accurate, engaging prose.
What bothered Blade when he thought about it were those quixotic impulses that had continually struck him during the last battle in Pendar.
Mr. Bouzereau said he was continually struck by the director's enthusiasm for everything.
Duffey was continually struck by the fact that there was so much good stuff in the world.
My job is to talk to it, to make it understand what it's trying to accomplish, and as I do so, I'm continually struck by the amazing possibilities beyond EQ prediction.