Beyond exit 28, I-91 continues for about 5 more miles before crossing into Vermont.
The storm continued to the north before crossing Sakhalin.
In Brooklyn, it continues north, bisecting the town, before crossing into Pomfret.
Passing numerous apartment buildings and residential complexes, the route continues past multiple commercial businesses before crossing into the Sedgwick neighborhood.
Routes 405 and 54 continue through a deep patch of forests before crossing the river, entering the community of Montgomery.
East of I-25, the road briefly continues through farmland before crossing the Larimer/Weld county line.
Route 237 continues north through the hamlet of Pumpkin Hill before crossing into Orleans County.
Alexander continued campaigning in central Asia in the following years, before crossing into the Indian sub-continent.
It continues in a nearly straight line for several kilometers before turning South, crossing under the 403 and passing another parking area at the 30km point.
The road continues near more homes and tank farms before crossing CR 660, where the setting becomes mainly residential.