Washington is not calling for a market-share target in a new agreement, but it wants to continue data collection and periodic consultations between the two Governments over access to Japan's market.
On the issues of missile defense, the position of Russia remains unchanged, and we agreed to continue a dialogue and consultations on this.
Senator John Kerry made an unplanned stop in Kabul to meet Karzai in the presidential palace "to continue his discussions and consultations", according to the U.S. embassy.
In a statement, the ministry said Ali had merely indicated "our willingness to continue consultations" with the United States on security and non-proliferation in South Asia.
Until they can determine that the promises constitute a new initiative, Mr. Gallucci said, "we are going to continue consultations in New York on a sanctions resolution."
Other Administration officials said Mr. Gorbachev had at least agreed to continue consultations on the question of using force, and described that as a positive development.
The Security Council plans to meet on Saturday to continue consultations on Iraq.
Nevetheless, Mr. Nzengeya said he would continue consultations with members about the North African demand, which is supported by at least two current Council members, Yemen and Cuba.
The Secretary-General was requested to continue consultations with the Lebanese government and other parties concerning the implementation of the current resolution.
I therefore assume that the European Parliament's decision will form the basis for the Commission and Council to continue consultations on the Services Directive.