Although calps were banned by Parliament in 1617, manrent continued covertly to pay for protection.
This claim appeared to conflict with reports by United Nations inspectors in the mid-to-late 1990's, which claimed that some chemical weapons activities continued covertly well into the decade, and that large stocks of VX gas produced by Iraq remained unaccounted for when the old inspection teams withdrew for the last time in late 1998.
However, there have been claims that the school continued covertly until at least 1689 - and according to John Stevens (Lust for Enlightenment), it is still active today; in disguise.
Worried about the fate of the Beta Israel during the transition period, the Israeli government along with several private groups prepared to continue covertly with the migration.
He is subsequently reassigned as an attache to the embassy in Buenos Aires, while covertly continuing to serve on Cletus's OSS team.
The U.S. repeatedly stated that further implementation would be stalled as long as suspicions remained that the North Korean nuclear weapons research program continued covertly.
Contrary to popular perception, Pakistan did not forego the "plutonium" route and covertly continued its indegenious research under Munir Khan and it succeeded with plutonium route in early 1980s.
They said the moves would still allow Israel to covertly continue military sales to South Africa on basically the same terms as before because the Government announced no date to end such top-secret arms contracts.
Is it advisable to tell them, or would it be wiser for me to continue covertly?