When they came of age, the brothers took up government and continue their joint rule.
When he returned, it could well be with the resources to continue the Nau family's rule.
Many feared he would find a way to continue his rule.
In areas still under its control, the regime continues its rule by terror.
Despite possibly going against the will of his father, Izyaslav was able to continue his rule in Polotsk.
Archelaus was also allowed to continue his rule over the small Cilician region of Cetis.
Yet, the colonial government in exile was determined to continue its rule over the archipelago.
Abū 'l Walīd continued his father's benevolent rule for twenty-one years.
Stalin continued his absolute rule until his death.
Three months later, however, he returned to the Patriarchal Palace, to continue his rule as Patriarch.