Even as he looked back at the people looking at him, Lawrence continued his thought.
What would happen-he continued his thought from outside-if a major power started playing dirty pool on a regular basis?
She turned her glance to me, frowning as if I'd spoken in a foreign language, but continued her thought without answering me.
The couple thank him, not really following the conversation, and Tyler continues his thought as they drive away.
Apparently continuing her thought of a moment ago, she said, "Things do begin, you know ... and then they end."
Instead of continuing his thought, Castin just pointed.
If this were so, he might have continued his thought, how could they be certain that anything they saw here was not a kind of illusion?
"And they go all around the base," Yvette continued his thought.
"It's just such a terrible responsibility," Alita added, continuing her thought after a long silence.
Daneel continued his thought as though the sharp memory of Baley's death in all its details had not momentarily intervened.