They say they have poured more than $660 billion into rebuilding eastern Germany, and will continue such payments for years.
But the three water agencies will have to continue payments to Ionics for five years.
They are scheduled to pay out that money beginning in July 2007, the year after the contract expires, and continue payments through 2021.
Even if these two groups grant temporary relief, the mortgage bank is obligated to continue payments.
To continue payments for convicted government employees, appointed or elected, is a reward, and should be withheld.
Some European nations continued annual payments until the 1830s.
Governor Clements did not identify other board members who had joined him in the decision to continue payments.
The Government is also pressing because its monetary reserves are low and it may not be able to continue payments on existing loans.
After his death in 1940, his estate continued payments until 1941 when they abruptly stopped.
And he said the state should continue payments for those making "good-faith efforts" to find work.