Filming began in the summer of 1979 and continued periodically through November, with the production team shooting in several intervals for a few days each.
These frequent rebellions continued periodically up to the early 17th century.
If the patient doesn't press a button signaling he has taken the drug when scheduled, the device continues to beep periodically.
These arrests continued periodically through the next three decades while he continued to lecture and campaign for his ideas.
Conflict continued periodically until 1967 when Egyptian troops were withdrawn.
The raids continued periodically for almost three decades, until in 1749 the Spanish and the Apache made peace.
Construction of the Promenade began in 1836 and continued periodically until 1934.
They continued to work in radio together periodically over the next 40 years.
"Others periodically continued the search, but the lighthouse served a strategic role for the harbor."
Improvements to the highway at the Baltimore end began in the late 1910s and continued periodically through the 1950s.