The parents continue to feed and protect them for a month.
I will continue to vigorously defend this law and protect the well-being of California's kids.
Chinese believe that the spirits of their ancestors continue to guide and protect them, and therefore must be cared for and regularly visited.
Now, Mozo also insisted upon the racial purity of the folk, if they wished Laa to continue to love and protect them.
She continued to educate the public and protect Sydney's heritage sites until her death in 1961.
"The challenge is how can businesses continue to expand on the Internet and still protect consumer rights," Mr. Abrams said yesterday.
He is saved from an F first by his willingness to continue to serve in the Senate and protect the narrow Republican majority.
The protection of a child's right to education, health and adoption are all rights that Europe as a whole should continue to recognise and protect.
She continues to be suspicious of and protect her liege from his cousin Roger, on the way to her becoming a knight.
"It will be our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you."