Throughout 1999, the phone calls between my brother and me continued regularly, and whenever we spoke I began to sense his emotional exhaustion.
Through goods trains also continued regularly to use the line.
Israeli juggling conventions started in the late 80s and then took a break before continuing regularly from the mid-90s.
These quiet visits continued regularly for a year.
Cheryshev continued to net regularly for Sporting in his division two spell.
Many older T-10's built in the '70s and '80s have been refurbished by their owners and continue to race regularly.
They are now, however, based in Paris - but continue regularly to train in their original stadium.
Frank and Helen continue to date regularly, and eventually he invites her for dinner in his home.
He continues to retain an interest in the company and regularly accompanies its sales stand to model railway exhibitions.
Recovered, the ferry now sits on land in Henderson, where restoration work is continuing slowly but regularly.