Langdon entered the third row of vaults and continued surveying the indicator tabs.
Sumner continued surveying the area until 3 May when she departed for Guam.
When the war ended, although principally an associate justice of the state Supreme Court, Yates maintained a modest legal practice and continued surveying as well.
Mac continued surveying the rocky slopes, feeling his pulse quicken despite his years and experience.
Raking her bangs out of her face, she continued surveying the room.
By this time he had sold his interest in the salt works, continued surveying, and began to study law.
She continued surveying at Bikini after the atomic bomb tests, returning to San Francisco 19 October 1946.
Brod had taken it upon himself to continue surveying the interior, especially since Maia and Naroin lost the raft dispute.
Canfield barked him- self into the stool, turning his head to continue surveying the crowd.
'S okay," George said with a wave of his hand-cannon, and continued surveying the crags.