The conflict continues unabated even as we are able to enjoy the season of Christmas at home.
I, on the other hand, continue unabated to read books about robots.
His activities regarding developments in China also have continued unabated.
But the violence has continued unabated, and in this sprawling township of over 200,000 people, the troops have not even been seen.
The construction that began with a crash program, two centuries ago, had continued unabated.
Instead, the violence has continued unabated, sometimes changing in nature, as it is doing now, but never declining.
Yet the interest in these rituals of power continued largely unabated until recently.
Except for temporary bumps along the way, this growth has continued unabated.
"As it has continued unabated, we felt we had no alternative but to try to stop the process at this time."
Repression to the movement's activities continues unabated as of today: on 16th.