The announcement sent a clear signal that the Democrats intend to continue vigorously investigating the two corporations.
In this species however, the claws of the cast limb continue to grip vigorously after separation.
The report comes after a year of intensive study as competition for admission continues vigorously at the public university.
But they're campaigning vigorously for their side; he's going to continue to campaign vigorously for his side.
Despite internal turmoil, the Russian space program continues vigorously.
Presented in a free-flowing, Droog-designed layout, this show vigorously continues the process.
For her part, Piven vigorously continues to defend the original idea, calling its conservative interpretation "lunatic".
I couldn't make out what was taking place, except that it was continuing vigorously.
The bidding, naturally, continued vigorously, and those sitting East bid tactically in the hope of buying the contract.
My party, both here and in the UK, will continue to campaign vigorously for the people to have their say in a referendum.