The general development of the school continued in harmony, with the decisive support of the parents, teachers, workers and students.
Long time premier Sir Thomas Playford was able to continue in power with the support of two independents.
The organization continued with the support of the Communist International and a new structure and a new leading group.
The First Nation continued to occupy Point Pelee, with the support of the Canadian government, until the late 1850s.
Asked if the community could go ahead without France, the Dutch commissioner replied: "I hope we can continue with the support of France."
Priestley tried to continue his scientific investigations in America with the support of the American Philosophical Association.
The building of the hospital branches was continued with the support from Yogyakarta Sultanate government, companies, factories, and banks.
Wilbur continued in the Friends movement with the support of many like-minded members.
Remove dressings from inside the athletic supporter in 48 hours; continue with the scrotal support for 1 week.
We intend to continue our efforts, with the support of the Member States and the European Parliament.