Once the word spread of continued abuses, people no longer came to register their arms.
Most women came to the Renunciate Guild only after terrible circumstances, such as continued abuses by men who were supposed to protect and cherish them.
Ernesta, 26, said she had separated from her husband in March because of his continued physical and verbal abuse toward her and the couple's children.
He has offered help to Michael several times despite Michael's continued abuse.
From 1957 to 1962 she wrote book reviews for Esquire, though these pieces were increasingly erratic owing to her continued abuse of alcohol.
He urged Japan to hold back on additional foreign aid to China, citing continued abuse of human rights.
But he would have sent a sounder message if he had expressed outrage over Beijing's continued gross abuse of human rights.
After suffering Matsunaga's continued abuse, Shizumi's mental state began to deteriorate.
Worst of all is the continued abuse of power by the Burmese army, the military intelligence services, the police and other security forces.
Although reforms were made, Vitter said the program is open for continued abuse.