McGee worked energetically for continued Canadian devotion to the British Empire seeing in imperialism the protection Canada needed from all American ills.
Sabat saw the monkey-like face uplifted, relief kindled in those sunken eyes, an old man suddenly realising that all was not lost, muttering unintelligible thanksgivings, pledging his continued devotion to evil powers.
Since Gigante's reign, the Genovese family has been so strong and successful because of its continued devotion to secrecy.
In so doing, you will have bought the continued devotion of the most powerful nation in the Middle East.
It is the continued devotion of these people, the Raja says, that offers him hope that Balinese culture will survive, whatever the assaults of the modern tourist industry.
And she'd done nothing to encourage his continued devotion.
The pathetic scene of the madman, Lear, and the blind man, Gloucester, continues with the earl showing his continued devotion to his master.
But Randolph had never realized how much she cared about him; not romantically of course, but as a man who counted on her loyalty, her undemanding friendship and her continued daily devotion.
He wrote of his renewed enjoyment of Shakespeare--Adams would read Shakespeare twice through again in 1805--and in his continued devotion to Cicero and the Bible.