Adisadel College's continued dominance in track and field can be traced to the late forties.
This reflects the continued dominance of the old standard.
But it takes more than a politically skilled Speaker or President to insure a party's continued dominance.
The book ends on a flat note of resignation to Microsoft's continued dominance.
He also points out "the continued dominance of dance-pop" in this volume and the absence of any country and rock tracks.
Men's continued dominance in the software industry, where they are apt to fiddle with a new computer art form, stacks the roster too.
The 1995 English cricket season saw a continued dominance of the domestic scene by Warwickshire.
Evidence from previous expansions of the namespace, however, indicates the continued dominance of .
Said something to the effect that the single biggest threat to man's continued dominance in the universe is the virus.
The Manchus' continued dominance was ensured by an ethnic quota for top bureaucratic appointments.