That means continued emphasis on military factors and forces, including the risk of new life for the contra aid program.
It is lauded throughout music circles for its continued emphasis on non-traditional and multidisciplinary performances.
"And we have to put continued emphasis on educational programs as to the negative effects of alcohol and drugs."
Even within the organization, some have questioned its continued emphasis on building from scratch, rather than on helping people repair and rebuild damaged houses.
Over the years, the program has grown to include research and communication elements, with a continued emphasis on educational efforts.
He believes the high English SAT scores grow out of a continued emphasis on vocabulary in the early grades.
Most notable is the continued emphasis of the auto industry and the federal government on hydrogen as the fuel of the future.
The continued emphasis on we can all do it, we are all equal is just so much hogwash.
I find the continued emphasis that it's a "PC" a little jarring.
A. We would expect Dale to place continued emphasis on international trade relations, which are important not only to the beef industry but to all of agriculture.